CodeBreaker Puzzle to Print

Do you like crosswords, but sometimes find they are not enough of a challenge?
If you answered yes to that question, then it might be that the CodeBreaker challenge is just what you need!
Also known as a coded crossword, here you are given an empty grid, but each cell has a small number in it. This number indicates the code that you need to crack - hence codebreaker.
The numbers from 1 - 26 each appear at least once in the grid and refer to a letter of the alphabet, the thing is you don't know which! What you need to do is work out which number is which letter, and when you know you replace that number throughout the grid with the letter, mark it off the A - Z list underneath so you know it has already been used, and also place it in the solution grid.
Remember that every letter from A - Z needs to be used so you must find them all. There are some starter letters given to you to help out so be sure to enter those first to help you get started - and enjoy the puzzle!
CodeBreaker Puzzle to print - note this PDF opens in a new window, the solution is on the second page of the codebreaker PDF puzzle.