Large Print Wordwheel

Here's a large print wordwheel for you to enjoy.
The rules are simple: make as many words as you can from the grid, under the following constraints:
- Each word must use the central letter
- Each letter can only be used once
- No plurals are allowed
- You may not have words less than three letters long
Play Large print Wordwheel
When you click the link above, it will open in a new window. You can play it online if you like by looking at the puzzle then writing down the words you can find. Note you can make the puzzle as large as you like with the zoom facility within the PDF viewer with no loss of quality in the puzzle.
You may also choose to print the puzzle out to paper if you wish. Can you find the nine letter word?
Did you enjoy this wordwheel? We have two wordwheel magazines containing 100 puzzles in PDF format just like this available on our Wordwheel Magazine page.
Or perhaps you prefer to solve puzzles with pen and paper? If so, take a look at our fantastic range of Wordwheel Books, including pocket word wheels and a selection of other great puzzle books too.