Large Print Crossword

However, sometimes crossword puzzles are hard for us to play. This could be because the quality of print is poor, the quality of the paper is poor meaning the print is smudged, or simply that the grid is printed too small for us to read clearly.
Our large print crossword puzzles are in pure black and white, and will print to the highest quality available to your printer. You can choose how large you print them with your printer settings, though you should find that the default size we have created the material at is large enough to be easily read in the majority of cases.
When you load this large print crossword, it will open up in a new window. You will need Adobe Reader to view the puzzle, which most people have already installed on their computer - if not then you can download it from the Adobe site. The file format is called PDF.
Click to view the Large Print Crossword. The solution is on the second page of the puzzle, so only look at that once you've solved the puzzle! You may wish to just print the first page and then look at the solution on the screen afterwards.