Large Print Sudoku Puzzles

In addition to problems seeing small numbers printed on tiny grids, there are many practical issues as well.
Most noticeable of these is when completing a harder puzzle we need to enter pencilmarks in the cells. However this soon becomes very hard with small cells where it is hard to fit two or three legible pencilmarks let alone many.
Add to that the problem with rubbing out and being able to see your writing and all sorts of problems can get in the way that create problems solving the puzzle and reduce the enjoyment!
We've created twenty free large print sudoku puzzles for you to enjoy here, listed below in PDF format. If you want more large print sudoku, then you can buy two books of them at Amazon. We also have giant print puzzles available: click the links the boxes below to find out more about or buy these books:
Large Print Sudoku Book: UK
Large Print Sudoku Book: USA
The above two books are 30pt size text. If you need REALLY big text, then we also do giant print sudoku at a massive 55pt size text.
Giant Print Sudoku: UK
Giant Print Sudoku: USA
Large Print Sudoku Book: USA
The above two books are 30pt size text. If you need REALLY big text, then we also do giant print sudoku at a massive 55pt size text.
Giant Print Sudoku: UK
Giant Print Sudoku: USA
When you print the puzzles if you want them even bigger, you should be able to scale them to fit the page through your printer settings; the PDFs can be viewed as big as you like on screen with no loss of quality.
Puzzle 1
Puzzle 2
Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4
Puzzle 5
Puzzle 6
Puzzle 7
Puzzle 8
Puzzle 9
Puzzle 10
Puzzle 11
Puzzle 12
Puzzle 13
Puzzle 14
Puzzle 15
Puzzle 16
Puzzle 17
Puzzle 18
Puzzle 19
Puzzle 20